A landing page can be defined as the page that the users are brought to when they have clicked on a link or an Ad for your site. These links can naturally come from other people or also could be from part of your own Search Engine Optimization or Ad words campaign. The important thing is that the landing page is significant and useful based on the links and ads leading to it. For an e commerce site it is important that the page provides information or products relevant to what the user was led to expect while clicking on the link.
In pay-per-click campaign it is most important that the pages are relevant. And if the landing page does not track your potential buyers then you are possibly wasting your money on a pointless campaign. Always remember that it is not the ad, but the landing page which brings in the sale. Natural links, while beneficial are negligible as they are out of your control. While the links that are generated from articles should always be tailored correctly to the page they are leading to.
What make linked articles and ads relevant are their keywords. In the case of an ad the user makes a search through a search engine and if your ad has relevant keywords then it will appear in the users search. The keywords relevancy determines the cost of the pay-per-click. Articles also works similarly with the omission of the cost and it won’t appear at the top of the search like ads will.
The important point is that the user is not simply browsing your page aimlessly. They have found your site due to a specific search they have made. Website designer very well know the importance of tailoring landing pages to assist with such search engine optimization methods.
If you start optimizing your links, website and ads properly then you will find creating future campaign a much easier process and you will find that you can generate a great deal of more revenue.
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