Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Robots.txt - Its definition and use

Robots.txt : It is a file created by webmasters is a set of instructions for the search engines robots that index the web pages. This is
called The Robots Exclusion Protocol.

It includes User-Agent and Disallow. Here is the meaning of these words as these are very important part of robots.txt file :

User-Agent : It is used for the search engine robots. It gives the permission to a particular or all robots to index the
pages. Here is the syntax :

User-Agent : * ("*" means all robots have permission to crawl all the files/pages)

Disallow : It denies access to robots to directories/files. Here is the syntax :

Disallow : /images/ (it denies access to images directory.)

A simple robots.txt file should be :

User-Agent: *

It means we give permission to all the robots to visit and the directories and files.

It is very easy to create this file. Open notepad editor. Insert these instructions and save it by name robots in text
format. Put it in top-level directory and upload it. Suppose your website name is then your robots
file's path should be here

You can check your robots.txt file here

If you need help to create robots.txt, use robots.txt generator tool here :

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Digg Tips to Increase Traffic

Digg is a great social bookmarking site and can drive truck loads of traffic to your site and of course on everyone's mind is the big ten million dollar question. 'How do we get more traffic from Digg?'. Here are a few ways in which you can give your traffic ratings a boost and also by getting on to Digg in the first place you get greater search engine rankings.

1. Register on Digg and download the Digg toolbar onto your browser as this helps the Digging process and saves you a lot of precious time.

2. Always choose eye catching titles for your articles or blog posts as this will increase your chances of becoming more popular on Digg. A good title with at least one good keyword will do more for you than what you could ever imagine.

3. Write good content as this is the back bone and basis for any successful endeavor with a social bookmarking site, especially with a site of great caliber like Digg.

4. Start Digging other people's sites and posts and try to make friends with other Diggers who share the same interests as you and who have similar sites to yours. If you have a political blog for example try to find others who also have blogs on the same subject as this will induce them to come and visit your site more often too.

5. Send regular shouts to friends on Digg and offer to Digg their posts in return as reciprocal Digging helps to boost your Digg profile and gets the numbers up.

6. Make sure you put plenty of good information and a couple of nice pictures on your Digg profile as it is nice for others to get to know you a little bit and helps break the ice in general. This also makes you more approachable and you may see that others also will want to be your reciprocal friends on Digg.

7. Set a time each day for digging tasks and try to stick to it as much as possible as this will gradually increase your standing on Digg and eventually will also boost your traffic and Search Engine Rankings which in turn will lead to even more traffic coming to your site. It is a win situation for all.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Useful Twitter Application For Daily USE

Twitter is most popular and Free for social networking and Micro blogging. Twitter Register users can send and receive updates of other users registered in Twitter. Lots off twitter application are available on internet, here you can find some of major and most popular and useful twitter applications. All are very useful and important for those, who like twitting. Pay your attenuation and time to know some thing about twitter application.

TweetScan: Tweet Scan is nice site, on home page of Tweet Scan, you will find all tags which have more information, this information is from twitter. When you’ll click on any tag, you will find twitter profiles and posting related to particular tag. It’s nice to quick find any information using Tweet Scan Tag Clouds.

Monitter: Monitter is real time live twitter monitor, you will find all latest updates by any twitter user at Quickly ping back all kind of twitter profile updates at it’s really real time twitter monitor.

Tweetbeep: If you love Twitter, you'll love TweetBeep! Keep track of conversations that mention you, your products, your company, anything, with hourly updates! You can even keep track of who's tweeting your website or blog, even if they use a shortened URL (like Now, how cool is that?!

Twilert: Looking for twitter alert mails? Here you are at Twilert is a Twitter application that lets you receive regular email updates of tweets containing your brand, product, service, well any keyword you like really.

Importance of Search Engine Placement

To find a right search engine optimization service can be a tough job. Though many companies promise that in return for fee-for-service they can place your website in the high ranking of major search engines still to find right service can be challenging. It is important to find out what actually is offered and the service track record in fulfilling those promises that are made. By selecting the right search engine optimization service for your needs can yield significant profits. But by making wrong choice can negatively affect on the assets you invested in the fees.

By asking the other users, is a great way to start when you are searching for a suitable search engine service. And if you are making online inquiry and looking at reviews, be sure to make research of the company’s background.

Another way to find the competence of a search engine placement service is by running your searches. Any services that promise to get your website to the first page of Google or in the pages of other good search engines should be there themselves. If the service is incapable in its own placement, it is not likely to succeed your website either.

Make sure whether using a search engine optimization or search engine placement service will really help you reach your goals. If you want to make investment in the right tools, you need to know what work this tool can do for your website and if it is right for you. Or else you will have to find other ways for reaching your goals.

Optimizing and Making Strong Landing Pages for SEO Techniques

A landing page can be defined as the page that the users are brought to when they have clicked on a link or an Ad for your site. These links can naturally come from other people or also could be from part of your own Search Engine Optimization or Ad words campaign. The important thing is that the landing page is significant and useful based on the links and ads leading to it. For an e commerce site it is important that the page provides information or products relevant to what the user was led to expect while clicking on the link.

In pay-per-click campaign it is most important that the pages are relevant. And if the landing page does not track your potential buyers then you are possibly wasting your money on a pointless campaign. Always remember that it is not the ad, but the landing page which brings in the sale. Natural links, while beneficial are negligible as they are out of your control. While the links that are generated from articles should always be tailored correctly to the page they are leading to.

What make linked articles and ads relevant are their keywords. In the case of an ad the user makes a search through a search engine and if your ad has relevant keywords then it will appear in the users search. The keywords relevancy determines the cost of the pay-per-click. Articles also works similarly with the omission of the cost and it won’t appear at the top of the search like ads will.

The important point is that the user is not simply browsing your page aimlessly. They have found your site due to a specific search they have made. Website designer very well know the importance of tailoring landing pages to assist with such search engine optimization methods.

If you start optimizing your links, website and ads properly then you will find creating future campaign a much easier process and you will find that you can generate a great deal of more revenue.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

5 tips to gain attention, trust and Retweets on twitter

As you all know that twitter is not only about tweeting your personal activities, sharing quotes all the day. Twitter is all about 140 characters and many of you know the value of twitter in today’s market. Though, account can be created in some simple steps but how you use twitter is the main point.

What Is The Job Of SEO Services Company

What can SEO Services Company actually do for you? When you hire an SEO consultant, they will help your website get more exposure from the search engines. This article will help you to answer a few questions about search engine optimization.
Search engine optimization optimizes your website for the various search engines. Search engine look for certain things when they decide to rank pages. They look for things like relevant keyword, relevant content, inbound links, site indexes and more.
It is a complex set of rules that decide what makes you first spot in engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. SEO experts know what these rules are and what works. While the search engines do not reveal their exact formula, there are experts that know what works through experience and knowledge.
When you get indexed for the right search results, this can transform to more sales or subscribers. When you sell a widget and you have top rankings for widgets in your city, someone who wants to buy a widget will look at your website before your competitors. This can possibly turn to more sales and more profits. There are some companies who have the websites research, the perfect way to get results and get successful with employing their own SEO.
A fresher to e-commerce may do their own SEO but most professional organizations find that the best results come from professional SEO experts and services. It is difficult to stay up to date on all the rules and regulations around SEO but the experts make it their job to be a knowledgeable consultant in this area.

Google Buzz By Google

Google has now introduced a new service called Google Buzz. This a new feature through which you can share your updates, videos and photos. This service is built in Gmail which already has 176 million users according to sources. The features of Buzz will also be available on Android operating system based phones and also in iPhone, with the facility of real-time updates.

Google also hopes to merge with the most frequently visited sites like Twitter, Picasa, Flickr, Google Reader and YouTube so that the users can stay connected to everyone through a single browser window.

If you have a Gmail account there you can see Buzz has a built-in group of friends which are automatically selected including the people that the user communicates with the most frequently through Gmail and Google Talk.

Google Buzz will be available as Web application in mobile, allowing the user to provide status updates by voice and geotagging their posts. Updates that are location based can be read while one is using Google Mobile Maps.

According Google executives said Buzz would help to solve the problem of information overload, as Google would apply its algorithms to help people find the information that is most relevant to them.

Today there are millions of users who are using Facebook, Orkut, and Twitter. Therefore Google Buzz will have to compete with such sites.

Monday, 15 February 2010

SEO Services and its Importance

SEO services are said to make big impact on your website. If you have not optimized for the big search engines then you are missing something. Your website may be attractive but you may also be ready for the floodgates to open for sales or traffic or membership or subscribers but you won’t get far until people can find you.
If you already there in the list of search engines and are getting lot of visitors, are those visitors converting into sales? If you are not getting sales but getting lot of visitors then you need your website to be optimized.
If you are selling something and search on your and search on your target phrases and do not see results until the fourth page, you need SEO consulting services. If you are having some difficulty finding the right tools to help you increase your online presence, you will need to get the help of someone with a proven track record and who will give you the tools, information and the help that you need to increase your page rank.
Some people make the mistake of doing their own search engine optimization without the facts. This can also result in your website being de indexed or banned from Google, Yahoo and others. Keyword stuffing and cloaking can sound great to you to get indexed but if it works ever, then it will be short lived.
If you want real and effective results then you should hire a consultant who will look at your existing website, provide you a detailed analysis and discuss with you a SEO services plan that will result in guaranteed increase in your rankings.

Sunday, 14 February 2010

About SEO and Web Design

Internet marketing has changed the path of global economy in a great way, causing businesses in various markets in various markets and industries to be integrated into a worldwide business endeavor. The internet has become important source of information for the consumers who are always in search of ways to acquire information and the best goods and services in the most convenient way possible. Entrepreneurs have on time seized the opportunity to cash in on this worldwide phenomenon and have introduced number of initiatives that can generate revenues for their clients. And this development has made been possible by two factors: Search Engine Optimization and Web Design.
Web design simply can be defined as a method of creating a blueprint of the website, its composite web pages and the web multimedia that will be used. A website that is designed properly is an invaluable part of internet marketing because it could produce a situation where the site can be accessed and become a source of information in a variety of layouts. Directing the preferred volume of traffic to the website can be made possible with the help of informative and relevant content which the user would like to refer to.
On the other hand Search Engine Optimization defines and devises the system by which volume of traffic from the search engine through its search results algorithm. It is a devise which allows the search engines to look for the relevant websites searched for by the target clients.
In summary, SEO and Web Design are in a way related and complementary. If you are an entrepreneur and are wishing to join the millions in internet marketing should find an excellent web designer and professional SEO so that their website will not only look attractive but will be reliable.