Friday, 9 July 2010

Why SEO is so important ?

Do you know, search engines account for almost 90 per cent of all web traffic. On most of the search queries, you receive thousand and millions of results to choose from. So if your web site comes after first page on Google or other search engines on keywords relevant to your website, then you may miss out a large number of visitors. So using a combination of correct keywords, inbound linkage, effective content and last but not the least the META tags, you can increase your website’s ranking in most of the popular search engines.

Some more points to show the importance of SEO —

1. Around 78 – 84% of all website traffic comes from search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.
2. 41% of online buyers use Search Engine Results for shopping.
3. Believe me more than 93% of searchers don’t look second page in any search engine.
4. 68 – 72% search engine users blindly believe in search engine results.
5. 72% of potential buyers who use search engines will purchase or request more information if they find your site in search results.

If you are owner of any website or blog then I would strngly recommend you to optimize your website to be ranked higher in search results.